Saturday, November 8, 2008

James Bond 007- Quantum of Solace B- (62%) (PG13)

I cannot understand this movie to truly enjoy it. Despite the fact that I watched it in GOLD Class, with front row seats and plenty of snacks to keep me awake (A word of appreciation to my sponsor - thank you very much), I really do not know how to enjoy this movie. The director doesn't project what Bond is thinking and why he's doing what he's doing. His mission is not clear, so I couldn't quite relate to him, thus being lost the whole time. I couldn't find solace in this movie. haha.

And what happened to those beautiful, sophisticated, stylish, sexy, "to-die-for" Bond girls.... IMHO (In my humble opinion), none of the girls in this movie fitted the above description. No wonder Bond didn't give them another look... The wardrobe for the ladies was not good at all... I can't understand why they make Camille (Olga Kurylenko) wear that ugly chunky "rapper style" chain over an equally horrifying orange top and stiff black skirt. She probably had better attires in Max Payne. And I am sure they could've done better with the hair. Agent Fields' (Gemma Arterton) hair was awful! (actually Camille's too - see pics).

On the other hand, James Bond (Daniel Craig) is still stylo milo (stylish, suave, sexy and smart) despite getting all dirty (hmmm come to think of it, he had no sweat even after all those chasing, fist-fighting, roof-jumping, explosion, desert scaling, etc etc... but I forgive that because Bond is supposed to be the ultimate style, sex and slayer machine. Well he's a well-trained special agent and supposed to be the best of the best.)

Why am I talking about wardrobe and hairstyle in an action movie review? Because that's the only thing that registered in my head after the show (besides the aching neck from front row seats). Yeah, there were good action scenes in the beginning. The fist-fighting performances were good but it was all too fast, and thus seemed like a daze. I suppose it's Director Marc Forster's fault for trying to make it too real... (real fights are hazy to look at I suppose...). Moreover, the director doesn't show off Bond's wit at all. No fast thinking to get out of a sticky situation, no witty one-liner (well, there's probably one or 2 but hardly worth mentioning), heck, not even a clever pick-up line to show off his charms.

Also, there are no "sparks" between Bond and the leading Bond girl, which is quite contradictory of the typical Bond movies; whereby Bond, being the sexy, irresistable, suave guy, can "kill" any girl by just holding a stare.

Oh, and where are those hi-tech, clever, state-of-the-art gadgets that only a special agent is priviledged to use on his highly dangerous adventures? Except for some touch screen computer screen (which was already introduced in "Mission Impossible 2" long ago), there weren't any introduction to new gadgets which could wow the audience.

Anyway, die-hard 007 fans will still have to watch this much talked about 22nd edition of James Bond movie no matter what critics say. There are bound to be some censored parts in the movies due to the violence so you may want to consider watching it again on DVD when it is finally released.

Storyboard: 10 of 25
Cinematography: 20 of 25
Issues Discussed (connection with viewers): 10 of 25
Casting: 22 of 25

Total Score : 62% B-